RideAmigos Corp.

RideAmigos is a Transportation Demand Management software platform company.Their products are used by municipalities to encourage puclic transit use.
Based in Santa Monica, California, RideAmigos also has offices in Washington, D.C. and Bloomington, Indiana. RideAmigos has 90,000 users and has partnered with Utah, Denver, Colorado, and several cities in California and internationally.
RideAmigos has built a web-based software platform called UNITY that runs on computers, tablets, and mobile devices. This platform design uses gamification tactics to incentivize usage of trip planning and trip logging in exchange for rewards.
The system allows groups such as municipalities and schools to track statistics of how and where commuters are traveling. The “Schoolpool” tool is an option that can be set up for users to carpool with other families in their neighborhood to school. The software platform allows for the administrators to keep users engaged with three tools: ‘’Events’’, ‘’Incentives’’, and ‘’Challenges’’. Events allow authorized users to create an event and give other users an easier way to find information and carpooling options for that event. In challenges, goals can be set for users so that they can compete with each other for badges. Incentives can be used to reward users who meet specific goals.
Users can search a trip without logging in. They are given all the transportation options for that trip including carpooling, biking, walking, and using public transportation. In addition, users are given information comparing costs, time to location, calories burnt, and effect on carbon footprint. In order to learn more information about carpooling results, users are prompted to either create a personal account or sign in with Facebook. Once users begin to log their trips, they start to accumulate those trips and points, and are able to view their own statistics, use, and impact. Users can compete against each other on a leaderboard or in ‘’challenges’’ and ‘’incentives’’ set by the administrator.
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