Rice Lake Elementary

Rice Lake Elementary is an elementary school located on 575 Birch Street, Lino Lakes, Minnesota 55014. It is a part of the Centennial School District, Minnesota (District 12). The school was founded in 1992 and is for grade levels K-5. There are approximately 550 students attending this school followed by one principal named Warren Buerkley. This school is lucky to be located in the beautiful area of Lino Lakes. It is located on the scenic Rice Creek Watershed with many wonderful outdoor activities, walking paths and nature centers for children and their families to enjoy.
Building Hours
Building Schedule:
9:15 am - 3:45 pm
AM Kindergarten:
9:15 am - 11:45 am
PM Kindergarten:
1:15 pm - 3:45 pm
Rice Lake Elementary is intended for grades K-5, while the entire school district (Centennial) is intended for grades k-12. There are approximately 550 students attending this school. In 1992 students, parents, and staff created a vision statement for the school. This statement read:
Teach each student according to individual needs and grade level expectations;
Strengthen its school staff through alignment of purpose, open communication, staff enrichment and shared ideas;
Create a campus know for honesty, excellence, acceptance, respect and trust (HEART). The student-teacher ratio is approximately 19:1 and its population is about 94% Caucasian.
*2 Gyms
*2 Playgrounds (Outdoors)
*Mile Run Path (Outdoors)
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