Register Forum

The Register Forum is the official student-run newspaper of the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Founded in 1891 at the C.M.T.S. Register, it is the oldest continually-published, student-run public school newspaper in the country. It publishes 10 editions per year at the end of each month, September to June. Those editions range from 8 to 24 pages and focus on events around the school and the city. The paper is printed at The Harvard Crimson press. As of September, 2017, it also publishes content online.
Early history
The Register Forum was created by a merger of Cambridge's two high schools in 1977, though its lineage traces back to 1891, when the C.M.T.S. Register was founded. That newspaper was renamed the Rindge Register when the Cambridge Manual Training School became the Rindge School. It was a bi-monthly journal in tabloid format of happenings at that school.
Before Cambridge High & Latin (CHLS) merged with Rindge Technical, CHLS also published a student-staffed, well-illustrated, regularly-issued, bound, periodic journal containing essays, relevant news, interviews, coverage of theatrical events, a gossip column, CHLS sports activity results, and other news of interest to the student body.
The Register Forum consists of an editorial board as well as contributing writers, photographers, illustrators, copyeditors, and layout designers.
The Register Forum editorial board includes managing editors and the editor-in-chief. Editorial staff and section editors, such as layout designers, photography editors, and sports editors are chosen from the newspaper club and hold their position for a year. The rest of the masthead varies monthly depending on who contributes to the newspaper that month.
Common sections
Usually, the Register Forum is composed of "Around School" news pages, "Metro" pages, "Nation" and "World" pages, "Opinion" and "Editorial" pages, "Arts & Entertainment" pages, "Games & Humor" pages, and "Sports" pages. Articles in the Register Forum cover a variety of topics ranging from school policies to current events and politics."Tony's Tips", a popular advice column run by former editor Andres Bullon-Puckett, was discontinued at the end of the 2013-14 school year, but rumors of its return continue to circulate. The front, back, and center pages are in color. Beginning with the 2011-12 school year, all print editions are available on the CRLS website in PDF format. Editions dating back to 1891 can be found in the Cambridge Room of the Cambridge Public Library.
Honors and awards
In 2020, The Register Forum won first prize for Editorial Writing in the Suffolk University Greater Boston High School Newspaper Competition, as well as Honorable Mention in Sports Writing. In 2012, The Register Forum won third place in a Harvard Crimson-run contest for "Best Overall Newspaper." Other awards were also won in the 2018 NESPA Journalism Awards.
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