Red Hot Pawn

Red Hot Pawn (RHP) is a global correspondence chess server with over 200,000 registered members that was founded in February 2001 by the authors of Rival Chess, Chris Moreton and Russell Newman.

Time controls of chess games are one, three, seven, fourteen or twenty-one days per move plus an optional additional timebank of three, seven, fourteen, twenty-one or twenty-eight days. Most games take one to six months to complete, but they can take much longer. In the event of a player not being able to move within the timeout limit, they use up their timebank.

Chess on Red Hot Pawn is not played on a downloadable applet. Instead, a Javascript chessboard is used as the interface.

Members with free accounts are limited to six games at a time; subscribing members are not limited in the number of games that they can play, and have other benefits including the option of joining teams (known as clans), participating in grouped challenges, as well as tournaments and sieges. Non-subscription accounts are subjected to advertisements.

Clans on RHP
A feature of Red Hot Pawn is a Clan system, the RHP term for teams. Clans compete against each other to achieve overall scores, which are measured in total points and net points. Clans compete in matches organized by each clan's leader, as well as in several leagues. RHP has about 300 clans ranging from one to twenty members.

Red Hot Pawn has a forum devoted to chess, and also active forums for debates (generally political), sports, spirituality, site improvements, and others.

Forum Moderation
Red Hot Pawn operates forum moderators who are volunteers and separate from the site owners.

Web Browsers at RHP
Red Hot Pawn supports multiple web-browsers, but the user Ouroboros has utilized the Greasemonkey script to make this site more powerful and customizable to each player's preference. These scripts are only supported with the Mozilla Firefox browser.
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