Red Claw (Batman)

Red Claw is a fictional character, an enemy of Batman, making her debut in Batman: The Animated Series and appearing in three episodes of the show. In her appearances, she is voiced by Kate Mulgrew.
Fictional character biography
The Cat and the Claw
The leader of the eponymous terrorist organization, Red Claw works with a real estate company, Multigon, to purchase a piece of land in order to plant a plague virus which she intends to use to hold Gotham City ransom for one million dollars in gold bullion. In the process, she draws the ire of Selina Kyle, who was hoping to buy the land as a resort for wildcats. Red Claw has her men tail Selina and quickly deduces she is Catwoman. She later attacks a military train carrying the plague, resulting in her first confrontation with Batman; she escapes after threatening to unleash the plague there and then, though she would die as well.
While making preparations, Red Claw captures both Batman and Catwoman, who had come to stop her. She reveals to Batman that she never truly intended to unleash the plague on the city, and the plague vials hidden across the city are actually fake. She leaves the real plague to kill both Batman and Catwoman on the resort while evacuating the facility. Batman and Catwoman escape and destroy the facility along with the plague itself, exposing Red Claw's deception. She attacks and almost kills Catwoman, but is herself attacked, pinned down and injured by a mountain lion. She is arrested offscreen.
The Lion and the Unicorn
In the series finale, Red Claw resurfaces to abduct Alfred Pennyworth and his former MI-6 colleague, Frederick, to her lair in Castle Blairquhan in Western Scotland, as they are the only two surviving former British Secret Service members who know the code to launching a nuclear missile that she plans to use to hold London ransom for five billion pounds. Through a truth serum, she finally learns the code and issues London a warning; they refuse, and she starts the countdown just as Batman and Robin arrive. A gunfight ensues and the heroes fight their way out, but Red Claw hides in the Batwing as Batman pilots it to destroy the missile before it hits London. She attacks Batman from behind, removing his mask in the process, until Batman ejects her seat and sends her plunging into the River Thames. Whether she drowns or is captured or escaped and had seen Batman's face are unknown.
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