
Rayta is a pejorative word for people who belong to the ‘Raytawing’. The latter, in turn, is a pejorative for the Vikas Right. ‘Raytawing’ is inspired by the popular Hindi phrase ‘Rayta failana’ which roughly translates to making a mess of things. This word is used for the people and the section in the Indian Right wing who believe in what they call ‘true secularism’, ‘true liberalism’, ‘true feminism’ and say that Indian Left has perverted the meaning of such ideologies. The opposition to the Left from them comes from the ideological position that the Left has failed to adhere to the ideologies they claim to advocate. They also believe in the rights and liberty of the individual and view Hinduism as a free-for-all laissez-faire affair where individuals are free to pursue spirituality however they deem fit. They are heavily criticized by other sections of Indian Right wing.
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