
Raydesk is software used for desktop virtualisation. It's goals are central administration of many desktops and restricting user as possible only to necessarily applications.
Technical details
Based and developed under GNU/Linux and Solaris, Raydesk utilizes multiuser feature of these systems to deliver instances of each desktop.
Most of its code is written in C++ using EFL libraries, part in Perl and web administration interface in PHP.
Originally was Raydesk developed with SunRay Server Software and ultrathin SunRay clients. Desktop is in this case arranged via protocol ALP. Other alternative is XDMCP protocol with own X server running on client machine. This method is used with Wyse, HP thin clienst, or with classic PC.
Centralised database
In default installation OpenLDAP acts as centralised database. Advantage of this solution is in the ration between reads and writes and tree of stored data. But in place of OpenLDAP, there can act as well other database.
Security policy
Base of Raydesk security policy is: everything is denied. Only administrator can give permissions what user can do. He creates a set of profiles, which he assigns to group of users, or to particular user. Permission what user can do includes applications and time intervals when are these application executable.
Remote applications
Scripts called connectors are used for accessing applications from remote servers heterogenous network. They cover protocols X11, RDP and Citrix ICA. User can then have on his desktop Windows and Unix application, without noticing where from they are executed.
Minimal system requirement
* Supported operating system
* 1 MB disk space for 1 user
* 20 MB RAM for 1 user
* 25 users per 2 GHz procesor core (Xeon 5000 or AMD 2000)
* Network card 100 Mbit/s
Web interface
Administration part of Raydesk is web administration interface, enabling remote administration via web browser.
* Delete, add and modify user
* Manage groups of users
* Edite profiles (applications on desktop, their layout and time constraints)
* Main panel, icons, wallpaper
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