Raffia Magazine

Raffia Magazine is an online magazine that features informative and opinion articles, columns, reviews, and interviews on gender, diversity, and feminism. The magazine has a multifaceted focus: on the sciences, arts, and emancipatory organisations. The articles are written by scientists, students, organisations, artists, and others interested in the field, in both English and Dutch. Raffia Magazine is affiliated with Radboud Gender & Diversity Studies of the Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Before Raffia was an online magazine, it had been a paper journal for 28 years. In March 1989 - what was then called - the Centrum voor Vrouwenstudies (CvV, ‘Centre for Women’s Studies’) of Radboud University Nijmegen published Raffias first issue. Raffia featured articles by both students and settled scholars, concerning the themes of gender, feminism and emancipation. Crucially, the journal also emphasised the importance of gender beyond the university, for example in arts and emancipatory organisations, as well as through opinion pieces such as columns and reviews. The magazine contained articles both in Dutch and English. Raffia Magazine has largely followed in the footsteps of its paper predecessor.
When the CvV changed its name to the Institute for Gender Studies in 2005, Raffia remained an important part of its scholarly infrastructure. The magazine published its final paper issue in March 2016, in its 28th year of existence. When in July 2016 the Institute for Gender Studies was disbanded and made way for Radboud Gender and Diversity Studies, Raffia’s editorial board decided it was time for a new format. In order to reach more people more directly, Raffia made a new start as an online magazine in early 2017.
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