Radio Amateurs of Lebanon

The Radio Amateurs of Lebanon (RAL) is a non-profit organization for some amateur radio operators in Lebanon. Key membership benefits of the RAL include a QSL bureau for those amateur radio operators in regular communications with other amateur radio operators in foreign countries, and a network to support amateur radio emergency communications. RAL represents the interests of its members.
Other Lebanese amateur-radio organizations exist in Lebanon, such as RAK (Rachid Karame Amateur Radio Society)
Some amateur radio operators in Lebanon exist without being affiliated to any organization. In Lebanon, it is only the ministry of telecommunications that grants the right to become a radio operator.
Upon succeeding a written and an oral exam at the ministry premises, comes an interview. When the future operators passes the three tests, the ministry hands in a written certification allowing the new operator to operate within the Lebanese spectrum management. In Lebanon, there are two levels of amateur radio: Phone operator and telegraphy operator.
A Lebanese certification gives the right for a call sign starting with OD5. A call sign in Lebanon is for life.
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