Quick Scoping

Quick Scoping
Quick Scoping is an art form of killing. It is performed by skilled played worldwide (mainly on war games).
Quick Scopes are Performed with Sniper Rifles.
To quick scope you must:
# Line up your weapons crosshairs.
# Hold down aim button until almost fully scoping.
# Let go of zoom button and pres fire button in quick succession.
# Repeat this until enemy is dead.
Common Quick Scoping Class - Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Intervention FMJ.
Any Secondary.
Smoke Grenade.
Throwing Knife.
Perk 1: Sleight of Hand Pro.
Perk 2: Stopping Power Pro.
Perk 3: Steady Aim Pro or Commando Pro.
Modern Warfare 2 is probaly the easiest game to quick scope on because sleight of hand pro halves your scoping time.
Black Ops is significantly harder to Quick Scope on because sleight of hand pro does not effect sniper rifles.
But black ops is rubbish.by ToTaLxScOPeZz-ps3 name add me
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