Quantum Ring Theory

Quantum Ring Theory (QRT) is a theory developed by Wladimir Guglinski between 1993 and 2006, published in a book form by the Bäuu Press in August 2006. The book presents 24 scientific papers, in which the author shows that some principles and models of Modern Physics must be replaced.

In the atomic level, QRT follows the interpretation preconized by Schrödinger on the successes of the Bohr’s hydrogen atom. Schrödinger stated that “It is difficult to believe that this result is merely an accidental mathematical consequence of the quantum conditions, and has no deeper physical meaning1”. He believed that Bohr’s successes would be consequence of unknown mechanisms, and he tried to find them.
*That’s why Schrödinger discovered the zitterbewegung in the Dirac’s equation, and interpreted it as a helical trajectory of the electron.

A rival interpretation was supported by Heisenberg, who believed that the Theoretical Physics cannot be developed in dependency of the discovery of “metaphysical” mechanisms not suitable to be measured (observed) in experiments. He stated that only “observables variables are of the science’s interest.
*The interpretation for the zitterbewegung in the Heisenbergian viewpoint was proposed in 2004 by Krekora2

So, we realize that in the 20th Century there was a divergence between Schrödinger and Heisenberg on the question of what is the aim of the scientific method.
**It seems that the confrontation between the Shrödingerian and Heisenbergian viewpoints will be decided by the cold fusion experiments. See: Zitterbewegung and Cold Fusion.

Some principles and models of Modern Physics seemed so much strange to me. That’s why in 1991 I wrote a book, where I proposed a new theory according to which the neutron must be composed by proton+electron (n=p+e), and the space must be fulfilled by the aether, which would be responsible for the equilibrium of the electrons within the electrosphere of the atoms. I submitted the book to several publishing houses in Brazil, but no editor had interest in my book.
*Nine years later, in 2001 I discovered that Don Borghi et al. had published a paper3 in 1993, describing an experiment that confirms the model n=p+e.
**In 1992 I registered the manuscript of my book in the Brazillian National Library, where the typewritten manuscript stays placed in the archives till today.

Because no publisher accepted my book for publication, I decided to prove that my new theory was correct. That’s why in 1993 as self-taught I started to study in depth the foundations of Quantum Mechanics, in order to prove that some principles of QM must be replaced.

For the proposal of a new theory, as a point of departure I had considered the seven fundamental points as follows:

*1- Yukawa’s model of neutron seemed to be impossible to work, since it violates two fundamental laws of Physics: the Newton’s action-reaction law, and the energy-matter conservation law. So I felt that would be necessary to prove that from the model n=p+e one could explain all the the properties of the neutron inferred from the experiments.

*2- Another question that worried me was the missing of the aether in the current theories of Modern Physics. Something was wrong with Einstein intepretation. A new theory replacing the empty space by a space fulfilled with the aether would be required.

*3- The hydrogen atom model of Quantum Mechanics could not be entirely correct, by several reasons:
**3.1- The hydrogen atom model of Bohr is not correct, since it is unable to explain the fine structures. However his model has so many spectacular successes, as for instance we calculate the Rydgerg’s constant from the Bohr’s model, with an accuracy that cannot be accidental, because it’s impossible to consider it accidental from the laws of probability. Nevertheless nowadays the quantum theorists claim that Bohr’s successes are accidental. Such hypothesis is unacceptable, and we have to consider that there is something true (at least partially) in his model, while from the concepts of Quantum Mechanics one needs to consider Bohr’s model as totally wrong. But as from the mathematical probabilty we have to consider that Bohr’s model is at least partially correct, this implies that the QM’s model cannot be entirely correct.
**3.2- It is hard to believe that there is no trajectory of elementary particles as proposed in QM, since we see that electron’s trajectory exists within the chamber fog.
**3.3- The hydrogen atom of QM is undulatory. But there are phenomena that require a corpuscular model to be explained. And it’s hard to believe in the absurd principle of complementarity proposed by Bohr, according to which incompatible models must be used for explaining the phenomena. Indeed, it’s hard to believe that the Nature sometimes uses a corpuscular model, and sometimes she uses a undulatory model.

*4- There is not a unique nuclear model in current Nuclear Physics. There are several models, and they are incompatible. Besides, the current nuclear theory is unable to explain some nuclear properties and many behavior of the nuclei. It’s hard to believe that Nature works by using several incompatible models for the production of the nuclear phenomena. Thereby it was indispensable to look for a unique nuclear model capable to explain all the nuclear phenomena.

*5- Nowadays the theorist consider that the light is a duality wave-particle, and there is not any model of photon for explaining the light behavior. The light in Modern Physics is described by pure abstract mathematical equations, and it’s hard to believe that mathematical equations can produce physical phenomena as those produced by the light. So, I felt the need of looking for a physical model of photon, capable to generate the Maxwell equations and to reproduce theoretically all the phenomena of the light, as its duality wave-particle, the polarization, etc.

*6- It’s hard to believe that the duality wave-particle is a property of the matter. There is an alternative solution for explaining the duality wave-particle: by considering the zitterbewegung of the elementary particles. The zitterbewegung appears in the Dirac’s equation of the electron, and therefore the duality can be considered as a property of the helical trajectory of the elementary particles. Such new interpretation for the duality is used in the new hydrogen atom proposed in Quantum Ring Theory.

*7- But Quantum Mechanics and the Theory of Relativity are two successful theories. And it’s hard to believe that they are completely wrong. So I felt the need of discovering why they are so successful, in spite of they cannot be entirely correct. In another words: where does live the cause of the success of these two theories ?

The answers for these questions are proposed in my Quantum Ring Theory:
*I proposed a new model of neutron n=p+e. A reviewer of the Infinite Energy magazine wrote about my paper The Stern-Gerlach Experiment and the Helical Trajectory:
* * “The basic question here is can a classical model (which postulates a trajectory for the electron) cast any light on the inner workings of the nucleus ? Most physicists would respond with a resounding NO. However, it generally happens that classical models have quantum analogs and thus can prove suggestive in at least a qualitative way. For instance, without the classical Hamiltonian energy expression there would be no clue to how to write the Schrödinger equation. And the classical energy expression would not exist without trajectory pictorization. Therefore one cannot reject Guglinski’s ‘helical trajectory’ model (or similar models due to Bergman and others) out of hand as useless to physics. We don’t know what the final physics will be, if any. Moreover, Guglinski’s model may solve the problem of spin of the electron in the nucleus”.

*I proposed a new hydrogen atom that conciliates the Bohr’s model with the Schrödinger equation, and discovered why the QM is successful in explaining the phenomena. The new hydrogen atom of my theory has an unknown property of the quantum theorists: there is a dilation of the aether within the electrospheres of the proton and the electron.
*I proposed a model of photon that generates the Maxwell equations and explain the light behavior, as its duality, the polarization, the Michelson-Morley experiment, the star aberration, the EPR experiment, etc.
*Concerning the nucleus, I discovered a nuclear model that explains all the nuclear phenomena, and I also discovered that the nucleus has some behavior unknown by the nuclear theorists, as for instance the According-Effect.

In 1995 I tried to pubish my paper New Model of Neutron in the journal Speculations in Science and Technology. The reviewer rejected it.

In the end of 1998 I submitted my paper A Model of Photon to the journal Frontier Perspectives. The paper has been rejected for publication, because the reviewers of that journal are sure that the duality is a property of the matter (as proposed originally by de Broglie), and they don’t accept to replace the original de Broglie’s interpretation by a new one that considers the duality as a property of the zitterbewegung.
But the editor Nancy Kolenda sent me a copy of the journal in which Mike Carrell talks about cold fusion, and then in the first time in my life I took acknowledge on the occurrence of that phenomenon.
I sent a letter to Mike, and he sent me a copy of the Infinite Energy magazine in which Elio Conte published an article4 describing his experiment, and then I realized that his experiment had confirmed my new model of neutron n=p+e.

As earlier I had discovered a new nuclear model that explains all the ordinary nuclear phenomena, obviously a question arose in my mind: would my new nuclear model be able to explain cold fussion occurrence ?
And I had another strong reason to believe that cold fusion explanation would require a new theory with new fundamental principles missing in Quantum Mechanics. Indeed, I knew that the current Nuclear Physics is unable to explain many properties of the nuclei. Therefore, as the theory is unable to explain ordinary phenomena, it would be hard to believe that Nuclear Physcis could be able to explain cold fusion occurrence, since it defies the foundations of QM.
So I started to read some papers on cold fusion experiments, in order to try to understand the cold fusion occurrence from the viewpoint of the nuclear properties of my new nuclear model.

In 2000 my paper New Model of Neutron has been published by the Journal of New Energy.

In the begginning of 2001 I discovered the existence of Borghi’s experiment. In the same year I suited in law two universities of Brazil, trying to oblige them to repeat the Conte-Pieralice experiment in their laboratories. The Brazilian Constitution prescribes that the universities must support any experimental research that imply in the interest of the science’s development, and so I used such argument to support my request. Unfortunatelly the judge decided that there is no judicial support that obliges an university to perform any experiment. That was not true, because the support was given by the Brazilian Constitution. But it is known that there is a conspiracy against the prevalence of the scientific method when it defies the current theories.

In 2002 the Infinite Energy magazine has published my paper What is Missing in Les Case’s Catalytic Fusion5, where I suggested some improvements to be adopted in his experiment, and proposed the hypothesis of the cause why often it’s hard to get replicabilty in cold fusion experiments.

In the end of 2002 I submitted more seven papers to Infinite Energy magazine (but I did not submit any paper concering my new nuclear model).

In 2003 Dennys Lets and Dennys Cravens exhibited in ICCF-10 their experiment, in which the suggestions proposed in my paper published by IE in 2002 had been adopted.

In the same year I wrote the paper Lets-Cravens Experiment and the Accordion-Effect, in which I propose that cold fusion can occur in especial conditions when there is resonance between the oscillation of a nucleus due to its accordion-effect and the oscillation of a deuteron due to the zero-point energy. The alignment of the deuterons with the nucleus by applying an external magnetic field (Letts and Cravens used a magnet) helps the resonance, which is also reinforced by a suit frequence of an oscillatory electromagnetic field (the laser used in their experiment)

In January 2004 Dr. Eugene Mallove said that my theory has “intriguing and interesting” ideas, and encouraged me to put all my most than 20 papers in a book form. The Iinfinite Energy would advertise and sell the book.
As Dr. Mallove died in May-2004, I had to look for another publisher.
In August 2006 my theory was published in a book form entitled Quantum Ring Theory-Foundations for Cold Fusion, by the Bäuu Press.

Quantum Ring Theory for the layman
In October 2007 I finished the translation to English of my new book written in Portuguese in June 2007, entitled Modern Physics to Whoever Doesn’t Know Physics, in which I explain for the layman the main ideas of the Quantum Ring Theory. This new book will also help the scientists to understand the ideas proposed in QRT, and I took advantage of the opportunity and incorporated in the book a new discovery of mine (in May-2007): the dilation of the aether within the electrosphere of the hydrogen atom is due to the repulsive gravity, the same repulsive gravity that causes the dilation of the Universe detected by the astronomers. The repulive gravity is the reason why the electron does not fall down into the proton in the hydrogen atom. In the Borghi experiment the repulsive gravity is cancelled by the application of an oscillatory electromagnetic field, and so the electron falls down into the proton, and they constitute the neutron. So, the repulsive gravity is connected with the sort of interaction that Borghi callled non-Coulombic interaction, and thereby we realize that the repulsive gravity is one of the causes of the LENR occurrence in cold fusion experiments. In short, the LENR is present within the electrosphere of the hydrogen atom too.

Reviews on QRT posted in the link of Barnes&Noble:
*Paul W. Schoening (pwschoe@yahoo.de): Mechanical Engineer
**A new interpretation of elementary particles and the atom's nuclear structure. Guglinski provides an entirely new understanding of the structure and the mechanics of the atom and the atomic nucleus, which in the presented way requires the interaction with the ether to explain, for instance, the quantum weirdness of the behavior of single, isolated photons and electrons. I highly recommend it.

*Naveen, A Reviewer
**WHOA!!...we have a breakthrough here!!! Hi I just came across this book 'Quantum Ring Theory' by Wladimir Guglinkski and found it quite exhilarating and thrilling. The thrill is in the way Quantum Theory is being treated in this book which is totally a new approach to physics. The proposed structure of the Neutron in terms of n=p+e, the ZOOM Effect, Helical trajectory, a completely new interpretation of DUALITY are some of the most original works of the author. I don't think I have seen any of the Modern Physicists as original as Wladimir. I must say that any serious physicist must go through this book and I would be glad if some of the universities come out with funds to perform certain experiments to establish Guglinski's Quantum Ring Theory. WLADIMIR.......HATS OFF MAN!!!!!!
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