Quantum Ghosts

Quantum Ghosts is the fourth published novel by New Zealand author Joel Dodd.
Set in the near future, it traces the journey of the protagonist, Glenn Naish, as he finds employment following his release from prison. He becomes the test subject for a new technology that utilises pairs of quantum-entangled particles to create a direct brain-IC interface. Discovering the company plans to terminate him, Naish takes steps to ensure the survival of his mind.
Concepts and themes
Although firmly rooted in the science-fiction genre, care has been taken to create technology that either already exists, or could potentially be developed. There are no assumptions made regarding low-probability technologies or concepts, avoiding deus ex machina devices. Free from extra-terrestrial aliens, the plot explores familiar themes of corporate corruption and of an underdog anti-hero confronting an unavoidable reality, yet ultimately triumphing through considerable self-sacrifice.
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