QualityMetric Incorporated

QualityMetric Incorporated is a health outcomes measurement company founded in 1997 by John E. Ware, Jr, James E. Dewey, and Ralph J. Perfetto, Jr. Dr. Ware has published extensively in the areas of health outcomes, health status and health-related quality of life. The company’s clients include pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device companies; hospitals, clinics, and doctor’s offices; health insurers, disease management organizations, and wellness program developers. QualityMetric’s corporate headquarters is in Lincoln, Rhode Island, USA.
Products and services
QualityMetric is the authorized commercial copyright holder of the [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1593914?ordinalpos91&itoolEntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum SF-36v2 Health Survey], a widely used tool for measuring individual health status and health-related quality of life. The SF-36v2 Health Survey asks 36 questions designed to measure physical and mental health status across eight health domains:
- Physical functioning,
- Role limitations due to physical health
- Bodily pain
- General health perceptions
- Vitality
- Social functioning
- Role limitations due to emotional problems
- Mental health
The original SF-36 Health Survey was a core measure for the Medicare Health Outcomes Survey (HOS), an annual assessment of the physical and mental health of Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in managed care plans. From 1998 to 2004, the primary outcomes in the HOS were the Physical Component Summary (PCS) and Mental Component Summary (MCS) measures, scored from the SF-36 Health Survey, and mortality.
The SF-12v2 Health Survey is a 12-question subset of the SF-36 that measures the same eight health domains but takes only two to three minutes to complete. Also available is the SF-8 Health Survey, an even briefer version used primarily for population-level assessments, and a pediatric survey called the SF-10 Health Survey for Children.
QualityMetric also developed disease-specific surveys. One example is the Asthma Control Test (ACT). In November 2007, ACT was endorsed in the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute’s (NHLBI) Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management of Asthma as a valid instrument for the assessment and monitoring of asthma.
Ownership and Senior Management
QualityMetric was a privately-held company until March 2010 when it was acquired by Ingenix, a leading health information, technology and consulting company. QualityMetric is led by President and Chief Operating Officer G. Gus Gardner. In the first quarter of 2011, two additional business units from within Ingenix -- Clinical Informatics Solutions and a patient adherence program still in development—were moved into the QualityMetric business unit.
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