
Qool is an open source content management system (CMS) for publishing content on the World Wide Web and intranets.
Qool was designed for ease of use, for users with a minimum of technical skills. It enables users to create content types and use them without the need of extra addons. Even though, Qool has an excellent XML based addons system for anyone to add or develop plugins and modules.
It allows the administator to drag and drop widgets in reserved template slots, create shortcuts and it also has a fully extendable user's profile system.
Qool code is based on Model-View-Controller using the Zend Framework architecture and object-oriented programming. Twitter Bootstrap is used for the admin panel template. Some core features are: content type creation, user profile fields, template engine changing (you can choose from PHP,Smarty,Savant3 and Twig template engines) and search engine optimization.
Qool CMS supports content type creation (the ability to create content types either they are Articles, Slideshows, Playlists or Zip archives). A content type can be extended at any time by adding or removing data fields. Qool has an excellent taxonomy system to categorize and tag content items. The CMS also supports menu creation and linking to content items and taxonomies.
Qool CMS can be extended by addons, modules and widgets. Addons and modules can use one of (nearly 100) hooks the Qool CMS Hooking system supports.
Qool is Free and Open Source (FOSS) under the GNU General Public Licence.
Qool CMS comes integrated with :
* Smarty
* Twig Template Engine
* Savant3
* jQuery
* jQuery UI
* Twitter Bootstrap
* TinyMCE
* elFinder
* EditArea
Qool CMS v1.0 was created in 2009. Qool developers decided the v1.0 code was obsolete and wrote the CMS from scratch in 2012.
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