Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr

"Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr" (often abbreviated by fans to "Pull Harder" or simply "Martyr") is a song by heavy metal band Trivium. It appears on their 2005 album Ascendancy and was released as the album's second single in the same year.
Live performance
This song used to be played as the last song in a Trivium live set, however, since 2011, they have finished with the Shogun single "Throes of Perdition", though they did finish with Pull Harder during one special set in Birmingham, England, in June 2011 always. During the Ascendancy tours, the song's verse was screamed, but for a short stint of the tours after the Crusade, the song was sung live in a raspy clean voice as opposed to the recorded version. Since the release of the Shogun, the song is back to being screamed.
"Pull Harder is a look at a villainous tyrant; one who can simply kill and destroy on will, push his faith upon all, be hated by all other powers around - and still be loved by many that he rules." - Matt Heafy
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