
The (Deacon) is a humanoid alien species that spawned on the moon LV-223 in the movie Prometheus. It bears many resemblances to the Xenomorph Alien from the Alien franchise.
The Deacon is the result of a complicated series of events which started with Holloway being infected by having his drink spiked with the black substance by David 8 and then having intercourse with Shaw. Shaw who was sterile then became impregnated with a Trilobite which she managed to remove from her abdomen before the gestation became fatal. The Trilobite, having grown massive, attacked and attached itself to an Engineer and impregnated it. After an unknown time elapsed, the Deacon burst out of the dead Engineer in a manner similar to a Chestburster. The creature is speculated to be the earlier, less evolved version of the creature seen in the film .
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