Project board

The Project Board is responcible for the success of the project and forms part of the Project Organization. They have the neccessary authority to make decisions and approve all major plans for the project. This is known as directing a project. There are three roles in the project board: The project Executive, The Senior User and The Senior Supplier. The Project Board appoints a Project Manager to run the project on a day to day basis.
Project Executive
The Project Executive carries the main responcibility for the project, and is assisted by the Senior User and the Senior Supplier. He represents the bussiness interest and owns the bussiness case.
The Senior User
The Senior User represents the user interests and is responcible for the specifications and ensuring that the final product meets the specifications. Their main concern throughout the project is: Will it work?
The Senior Supplier
The Senior Supplier represents the suppliers and their main concern is: Can it be done? Can it be done inside the budget, time and quality restraints?
The project board is designed to manage by exception.
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