Prison cell pony party

A prison cell pony party is a jail slang term that implies a excessive prison cell party where not all participants involved are voluntary participants in said party, and are instead participants in the revelry under duress, coercion or through means of intimidation by the party going inmates,
the forced participants are used as a form of amusement during such a party. and their degradation is most frequently their main theme or reason for the party.
Hence A "prison cell pony" is such an inmate that is open to coercion and a vassal to the other inmates in the cell or block.
without specifically applying purely homosexual connotations to the titles it implies a prisoner maintained as stock or a beast of burden forced to act as a footstool, card table, sex slave or any other humiliating act for other inmates amusement.
or an individual forced to clean and prepare other inmates bunks and perform tasks or provide amusement.
The term is in common use among the prison population in areas eastern Europe and the former soviet union and has shown up in english prison language vernacular in recent years.
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