
Priorism is a form of the Christian faith. It was founded on the 28th June 2000 by a The Ashford Baptist Reverend Paul.

The faith, unlike other Baptists, outlaws the use of the Cross as a symbol of there faith but instead uses the "Sign of the Baptist". Thumb and Saturn finger extendend, rest of hand closed. This is not to be mistaken for the birdie, which is just the middle finger extended. The followers of Priorism use the original 10 commandments, and see John the Baptist as more important then Jesus Christ. There philosophy, unlike other Baptistical religions, outlaws the use of the Cross as a symbol of faith, but instead, uses the "Sign of the Baptist". This is mostly due to the fact that the Cross is not the true symbol of christ, but infact was a PX combined symbol that the real disiples had on there clothing. The origin of the "The sign of the Baptist" is unknown but the Church of Priorism claims that Rev Paul come up with the idea some time ago. Acording to there faith this has been modified over the years, as the original sign was with the thumb and index finger extended with the rest of the hand closed. This had to be changed as it was offen depicted by R & B and Hip Hop singers as the sign of a gun. Priorism did not want to be associated with such images therefore the sign was changed to its present form.

It was first based in Ashford, in Kent UK, but since its creation has meetings in major cities including London and Manchester. It has not been without its problems, including the burning down of the SouthEasten Taven, which was one of there main meet points.

The 10 Commandments followed by the members of Priorism are as follows, with number 10 being the main one.

1. Have no other gods before me
2. Make no images of anything in heaven, earth or the sea, and do not worship or labor for them.
3. Do not vainly use the name of your God.
4. Do no work on the seventh day of the week.
5. Honor your parents.
6. Do not kill.
7. Do not commit adultery.
8. Do not steal.
9. Do not give false testimony against another.
10. Do not desire another's wife or anything that belongs to another.
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