
PrintReleaf is a private American company founded by Jordan Darragh and based in Denver, Colorado that focuses on reforestation globally. To achieve this the enterprise partners with commercial printers and other entities with high paper use (copier and printer companies, for example), and provides them a means to offset the various printing products generated. So, companies like Xerox, Toshiba, Lexmark and numerous other large and small companies track their printing via patented software developed by Darragh and offsets these by planting trees around the world.
Reforestation projects benefitting from this initiative are based in eight countries: Brazil, Canada, Dominican Republic, India, Ireland, Madagascar, Mexico and the United States. Managing these operations are Global Forest Partners certified for their work, establishing that they have a track record and expertise in forestry best practices, have a thorough understanding of the PrintReleaf Standard, are transparent with their reporting, are financially stable and healthy, and have evidence of right to land and right to plant trees upon on the land. PrintReleaf's Global Forest Partners are: Eden Reforestation Projects, NuaTree, One Tree Planted, Plant With Purpose, Trees, Water and People, and WeForest.
PrintReleaf reforests at a generally accepted rate of 8,333 sheets of paper per standard tree. A participating company selects where it wants to "releaf" and through the online PrintReleaf portal, they are able to track the evolution, growth, and survival of their trees over an approximate eight-year time frame for each tree.
As of December 2020, PrintReleaf planted 2,030,486 trees in the 8 countries indicated above.
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