Prince Michael Jackson ll

Prince Michael "Blanket" Jackson ll (born Novmeber 2, 2002) is the son of Michael Jackson. He is known as "Blanket", a nickname he father gave him.
Early Years
Jackson was born in Los Angeles, California. The youngest to Prince Michael Jackson and Paris Michael Katherine Jackson. He is the son of. Jackson and his siblings, wear masks and veil out in public "for protection" as father Michael Jackson says. As a baby, Jackson was dangled over a balcony in berlin. Michael, holding him in his right arm, with a cloth loosely draped over his, face Michael briefly extended the him over the railing of the balcony, four stories above ground level. In that year, Michael brought Jackson out for his documentry "Living With Michael Jackson", with a long yellow veil over Jackson's face. Michael fed him, while talking to Martin Bashir about Press.
Jackson, now seven years old still lives in Los Angles with father and siblings. Mostly he is seen with a mask or veil on his face. Jackson are his siblings are nicknamed, "The Three Masks" by headlines
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