PRATT (Point Refuted A Thousand Times) is a common phrase used by posters of online debating forums, and refers specifically to any argument that has, as the name suggests, been refuted time and time again. This is particularly frequent in 'Creation vs Evolution' forums, or other forums of a controversial nature.

It is generally used in a demeaning context.

PRATT list
A related concept is a PRATT list, in which a person posts a large number of PRATTs in an effort to compensate for their easily refuted nature with sheer quantity. PRATT lists are regarded by most forum inhabitants as among the most irksome of fallacious debating tactics, owing to the large amount of time required to refute them.

PRATT list list can also refer to a list of previously refuted claims posted for reference purposes, usually along with their refutations.

Examples of PRATTs
"Monkeys don't give birth to humans, therefore Evolution is false."

"Evolution is just a theory."

"Darwin recanted on his deathbed."

"Hitler endorsed Evolution."

"Evolution violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics."
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