Prarambhik Islamic Aakraman Evam Bhartiya Pratirodh

Prarambhik Islamik Aakraman evam Bhartiya Pratirodh is a 2017 Reference Book on Indian History from A.D. 636-A.D. 1204 written by Historian Vijay Nahar and published by Pinkcity Publishers.
Book is written in three sections:First section explores the attacks of Arab Muslim on India; Second section highlights the wars of Gajanavi Turk-Muslim on India; Third section covers Indian struggle and war against attacks of Gajni Sultan and Mohammad Gauri. Book also emphasizes on the Mohammad Gajnavi attacks on somnath temple and it is written that this attack is totally false and only propaganda. Struggle between Mohammad Gauri and Prithviraj Chauhan is also described in details at the end of book.
Book is reviewed and prised in RSS Magazine Pathey Kan. According to Review, Book has the truth of Indian history of six centuries and lights on the failed attack of Khalifa to the attacks of Bakhtiyar Khilji on India. Writer tries to explain the reasons behind the failure of Indian Kings, their struggles and strength against the Islamic attacks with strong references.
Prof. Iswar Sharan Vishvakarma reviewed this book in Research Journal entitled "Itihas" of ICHR. He appreciated Nahar's approach to write real history with evidences and focuses writers thinking on Indian History syllabus. Author discovered new facts on wars of Arabs on Western Borders and Sindh.
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