
Powerdasher is the name of several characters from the Transformers toy-line.

Transformers: Generation 1 (1984)
Tech Spec Bio
The Powerdashers are a new form of Autobot. Power is still growing. Fast and skillful. Little is known about their true strengths and weaknesses. Their function on Earth is to help the Autobots in their cause and they are able to take on a variety of shapes and forms. They each have the ability to operate at various levels of kinetic energy. Friendly, cheerful and obedient.

The Powerdashers were mail-order exclusive Transformers that were available to collectors in 1984. Collectors would redeem Robot Points found on the boxes of various Transformers action figures. Part of the promotion was the mystery involved in which mold of the toy they would receive. There were three available models: a Cybertronic jet, an F-1 style race car, and a drill tank. Each Powerdasher toy came featured pull-back motors in vehicle mode.

The Powerdashers made no appearances in either Marvel comics or the animated series. However, the Powerdashers made brief cameos in the Dreamwave comic series, which included their own character page in Dreamwave's More than Meets The Eye series. It is unknown whether they will be included in the IDW series.
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