
PolyGlycopleX or PGX is the trademark name of a functional fiber developed by InovoBiologic Inc and the Canadian Centre for Functional Medicine. PGX is a indigestible water-soluble polysaccharide complex with the greatest viscosity of any dietary fiber. Since the benefit of dietary soluble fiber is related to its viscosity, PGX is claimed to offer benefits in therapeutic applications related to obesity, diabetes, elevated blood lipids (including high cholesterol), and heart disease - a cluster of disorders collectively known as metabolic syndrome. PGX has been reported to be "the most viscous and soluble fibre ever discovered".
PGX is considered a natural health product in Canada. WN Pharmaceuticals, a manufacturer of PGX supplements, claims that PGX is indicated for weight management, glucose control, and controlling appetite.
Dr. Michael Lyon, author of the book Hunger Free Forever: The New Science of Appetite Control which promotes Polyglycoplex, claims that five grams ( /<sub>16</sub> oz) of PGX will absorb one liter (35.2 oz) of water, equal to some five or six times as much usual dietary fibre. According to Lyon, this amounts to eating more without adding calories, helps regulate appetite, and reduces the absorption of carbohydrates, which lowers the glycemic index. In someone at a healthy weight, not overweight or obese, it could "virtually eliminate appetite".
PolyGlycopleX®. is a novel complex ((α-D-glucurono-α-D-manno-β-D-mannoβ-D-gluco), (α-L-gulurono-β-D mannurono), β-D-gluco-β-D-mannan) of three highly-purified, natural hemicellulose polysaccharides: konjac mannan, sodium alginate, and xanthan gum . The three gums act synergistically to form strong interactions that lead to a level of viscosity that is 3 to 5 times higher than any known individual polysaccharide.
PolyGlycopleX® has been evaluated in an OECD 408 rodent feeding study where its NOAEL was determined as 50,000 ppm. A genotoxicity study also concluded it safe A Human Tolerance Study also evaluated PGX and found it to be well tolerated..
Since 2004, PGX has been marketed by Inovobiologic Inc in North America. It can be found in nutritional supplements and meal replacement drink mixes.
Reception by health practitioners
Use of such fibre supplements are commonplace, but require blood tests to confirm iron and electrolyte levels are correct, and ensure proper absorption of proteins, warns dietician Kelly Erdman of the University of Calgary's Sport Medicine Center. Also, it is necessary to guard against dehydration.
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