Podmajersky, Inc.

Podmajersky incorporated is a real estate company that owns over 125 properties in the East Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago.
Podmajersky Inc. was started by Slovak immigrants who had started a dairy in the Pilsen, Chicago area, which at the time was a bohemian neighborhood. Over time, the company grew its property holdings to include more than 125 properties in the area.
Unusual in Chicago, the company has turned alley<nowiki/>s that serve its properties into courtyards. Nicknamed 'Podville' and marketed as the 'Chicago Arts District', the company has been renting to artists.
In 1979, the company bought the remains of Chicago's Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church.
In 2007, local residents protested the development of a community garden that Podmajersky, Inc. had purchased.
The family that owns the company has been to court over ownership issues.<ref name"crains-unhappy" /><ref name"ugliest" />
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