History PNG Cutthroat is a popular regional variation of the three-player pocket billiards game . The 'PNG' in the name is an acronymn for the individuals responsible for organizing these rules for publication; John Pagnanelli, Randy Naviaux, and Gil Gonzales. This regional variation of originated in Orem Utah.
Object Of The Game PNG Cut Throat is a game with a cue ball and 15 object balls, numbered 1 through 15, and 3 players. Players choose a group of 5 balls (1-5, 6-10, 11-15) and attempt to pocket his opponents groups before his own.
Called Shot or Slop The game must be played as Called Shot or Slop.
'In Called Shot', each non-obvious shot must be announced prior to execution. Banks and combination shots are non-obvious, and care should be taken in calling the object ball and the intended pocket. It is never necessary to indicate details such as number of cushions, banks, or sequence of combination balls used. Opponents are responsible for asking which ball and which pockets are intended when unsure.
'In Slop', any ball pocketed (with exception of the cue ball) is considered valid and the current player may continue shooting, provided no fouls have been made.
The Rack The balls are racked in a triangle at the foot of the table with the balls in a random, non defined pattern. The first ball must be located on the foot spot.
The Break a. Order Of Break and Play
Lag competition will determine option of break and order of play between opponents. Winner of lag may decline to break, which subsequently moves him to the end of the play rotation. Second closest lag may also decline to break, which will move him to the end of play rotation - moving the winner to the second in play rotation.
b. Legal Break Shot, Scratch On Break and Balls Jumped Off Table On Break
Legal Break Shot, Scratch on Break, and Balls Jumped Off Table on Break all use same definition as as defined by the Billiard Congress of America
c. Scratching on the Break
In the event of a scratch on the break, the shooters turn is over without the option to choose a group of balls.
Choice of Group Upon making a legal shot (break shot not included), a player has the option of choosing a group of 5 balls (1-5, 6-10, 11-15). The player can hold his choice until the end of his turn, but must make his choice prior to the next opponents shot or loose his right to choose a group.
Legal Shot (Defined) The shooter must make contact with a numbered ball and (1) pocket a numbered ball, or (2) cause the cue or any numbered ball to contact a rail. Please Note: It is permissible for the shooter to bank the cue off a rail before contacting the object ball; however, after contact with the object ball, an object ball must be pocketed, or the cue ball or any numbered ball must contact a rail. Failure to meet these requirements is a foul.
a. Sacrificing a Ball
Players are allowed to pocket balls of their own group and continue their turn. Players that pocket the last ball of their own group are permitted to complete their turn until they fail to pocket a numbered ball on a legal shot, or foul in some fashion.
Eliminated Player When a player has no balls left on the table they are no longer permitted to take turns in the play rotation (exception: see 6.a: Sacrificing a Ball).
Fouls A foul is committed when:
(1) The cue ball is pocketed
(2) The cue ball or any object ball is jumped off of the table
(3) On a shot attempt, the cue ball does not contact an object ball
(4) On a shot attempt, the cue ball contacts an object ball, but a ball (includes cue ball) does not contact the rail or a ball is not pocketed
Foul Penalty The player who fouled has the option to (1) pocket any ball of his own group, or (2) allow both opponents to re-spot one of their own group. Eliminated players will regain their previous position in the play rotation.
Balls Jumped Off The Table If any object ball is jumped off the table, it is a foul and a loss of turn. Any jumped balls are not re-spotted.
Winning the Game
The game is won by a player ending his turn with:
(1)Only balls from a single group
(2)No balls left on the table
If balls from a single group remain, the owner of that group is the winner. If no balls remain, the player ending his turn is the winner.