
Plavalaguna is a charcater from The Fifth Element, played by Maiwenn, in a film by French director Luc Besson.

The world is threatened by a gigantic force coming from out of space and corrupting an art collector and weapons dealer, Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg (Gary Oldman). A taxi driver Korben Dallas (Bruce Willis) a former soldier meets a strange clone Leeloo (Milla Jovovich) supposed to save the world in Egypt when the Apocalypse comes.They have to find 4 stones for each element hidden in the body of the diva. Plavalaguna performs on stage.

The Soundtrack
In Plavalaguna's performance, the music and the vocalization abruptly shift from a classical to a pop style. This striking change is cross-cut with scenes of Leeloo's fight with the Mangalores in Plavalaguna's chamber, and the fight choreography is set to the music. In this sequence, the music is both diegetic and extra-diegetic, as the music is audible to the characters in the theater, but used as a dramatic score for the fight scene.
The Diva Dance opera performance featured music from Gaetano Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor "Il dolce suono", the mad scene of Act III, Scene I, and was sung by Albanian soprano Inva Mula-Tchako. Plavalaguna's vocalizations seem beyond physical possibility but it was stated in the movie's Special Edition documentary that her voice was not digitally altered.
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