Pillarhurst Cabins

Pillar Hurst Cabins established March.18 1902 by Archibald MacDonald and his brother James MacDonald, closed September 1911 after a series of tragic events which lead to the Death or James MacDonald, His son Henry MacDonald (aged 7)and his daughter Elizabeth MacDonald (aged 9)
Pillar Hurst was a only 9 cabins on a 120 acre plot of land After the passing of James MacDonald, Archibald became sole proprietor and owner on September 30th Malpeque woods was sold to W.H. Burns
James Macdonald May 3rd 1880 to september 5th 1911
James and his brother had a successful cluster of cabins in the Malpaque woods 8 cabins over 9km, on september 3rd 1911 James's cabin caught fire, killing his son Henry MacDonald aged 7 and his daughter Aged 9 and severely burning James, After 2 days in care of his brother Archibald and local physician Dr. Richardson James Passed away from his injury
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