Phillip Ozdemir

Phillip Ozdemir is an American independent inventor, writer and scientist. He is currently Managing Director of Practical Climate Solutions, a research institute, and founder of the Society of Einstein Pacifists, a group of individuals dedicated to world peace and disarmament making use of the writings of Albert Einstein.
After leaving the Aldridge Laboratory of Applied Geophysics at Columbia, Ozdemir designed and built an airborne laser radar for the detection of trace gases in the atmosphere. This airborne instrument was originally designed to detect crustal gas emissions associated with mineral deposits. However, while testing the instrument in Florida in 1991, the problem of dangerous, widespread mercury contamination of the environment was discovered and the device was quickly adapted for the detection and mapping of a wide variety of air pollutants, including the toxic element mercury. Mercury is introduced into the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels. Using the lidar system, an entirely new class of high-emission rate fossil-fuel burning sources which were previously unknown was discovered in Florida in 1992. Later, using the lidar system in Mississippi in 2001 for the detection of another pollutant, it was discovered that over-use of nitrate fertilizers was the cause of ozone non-attainment in certain areas due to the production of clouds of nitrogen dioxide which were being produced from decomposing fertilizer after rainstorms. (Nitrogen dioxide produces ozone through a photochemical reaction with atmospheric oxygen.) During the time it was in operation, the airborne lidar system was the world’s most sensitive airborne lidar system in existence, based on its ability to detect less than 1 part per trillion mercury in the atmosphere.
During the fuel crisis of 2007-2008, Ozdemir invented a new type of fuel delivery system which was awarded . When the Department of Energy refused to consider the invention for funding during the fiscal crisis stumulus program, Ozdemir argued the case for his invention in federal court himself and won, setting a major new legal precedent, settling the question of whether the Court of Federal Claims has jurisdiction over research and development grants.
Ozdemir is the author of a book on cold fusion which was lauded by Arthur C. Clarke, the science fiction writer, and Willis Lamb, a Nobel Prize winner in Physics.
He is the author of a map of U.S. nuclear installations which is catalogued in Worldcat.
Ozdemir is a member of the Explorers Club of New York City, the Williams College Faculty Club, and the Williams Lodge.
List of US Patents
Method and apparatus for detecting a tracer gas using a single laser beam,
US 4853543 A
Circulating raman-media laser radar method and apparatus for remote measurement of gases in the atmosphere,
US 4870275 A
Fuel delivery system, US 7644705 B2
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