Personals: College Girls Seeking...
Personals: College Girl Seeking... is a 2001 American made-for-TV cable movie, starring Renee Rea (credited as Samantha McConnell), Brad Bartram, and adult star Tera Patrick. The film was produced by independent studio Indigo Entertainment and distributed by Showtime Networks, which periodically airs the film on its TMC sister channel. Plot Juliette (Renee Rea) is a graduate student pursuing her Ph.D in psychology. She is writing her dissertation on human relationships and sexuality, as well as deformation and castration. She utilizes local newspaper classified ads for primary research. When she meets one research subject (Tera Patrick), she learns the importance of choosing research subjects carefully. The film also focuses on Juliette's love of literature, with sequences picturing Juliette's fantasies of being part of various classic novels, including Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Ulysses and War and Peace. Cast * Renee Rea as Juliette * Tera Patrick as Sara * Adoni Maropis as Joseph * Brad Bartram as Alex * Sebastien Guy as David * Brandy Davis as Alicia * Dillon Morgan Silver as Eddie * Toni Taylor as Leslie * Sasha Peralto as Heather * Mary Shannon as Helen Reception