Pennsylvania Light Foot Militia

The Pennsylvania Light Foot Militia is a privately funded militia group based in Pennsylvania. It is not associated with Pennsylvania National Guard and is not the official National Guard for the state. The group is part of the Militia movement.
Unlike the , it follows the "Light Foot Model" of organization
used by groups such as the Idaho Light Foot Militia, New York Light Foot Militia and Texas Light Foot Militia.
Ideology and membership
The Group consists of a mix of Survivalist, Preppers, and people who generally agree with the Militia movement. The membership is reportedly a few hundred people, according to various sources.
The organization is headed by Bob Gardner
and is divided into many different companies according to counties.
One of the basic tenets of the organization is: "It is the duty of the citizens' militia to protect and defend the unalienable rights of all members of the community. Under no circumstances will the militia tolerate those who advocate acts of criminal violence, terrorism or a change away from our republic form of government; nor will it support any specific political party or candidate, nor espouse any particular religious denomination or doctrine. All members must understand the duties and obligation of both citizens and government under the United States and their state's constitution." Membership in the Pennsylvania Light Foot militia is open to all lawful citizens of a state, ages 18 and up and there shall be no discrimination due to race, sex, national origin, religion, gender, disability or sexual orientation.
In 2017 members attended to Unite the Right rally intending to serve as armed security, and the militia claims to have served as intermediators between Far-right/Alt-right groups and counter protesters. However, this claim has been contested by other groups, along with other militias such as New York Light Foot Militia and Three Percenters.
In 2020, members attended Pro 2A rallies in Virginia.
The organization claims to have performed peacekeeping duties at a Black Lives Matter rally in Mifflintown, PA in late September 2020.
In a joint report produced by Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED)and MilitiaWatch assess the Light Foot Militia to have a low history of violence, and a low potential of future violence.
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