
Pemp is a slang term for personal video viewing on a laptop, often used to describe all-nighters spent watching movies or TV shows.
The word Pemp is thought to be derived from the acronym of PErsonal Movie Playing, thought there are other theories on the origin of the word.
There is an altenitive word; Genk, but it can also be used together as "Pemping the Genk", In which Pemp would mean watching, and Genk would be Movies. Pump and Gunk have also been used it the past, but it is not as common today.
Usage and Culture
Pemp is an activity common mainly in NYC, for both males and females ages 13 and up. Most people are formally introduced to this activity by people who already Pemp, and that how it is spread. Rumor has it of an official Pemp club, but there is little evidence as to where and when it operates.
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