Paul Washer

Paul Washer (born 1961) is founder of the HeartCry Missionary Society. While speaking as an invitee at the 2002 Youth Evangelism Conference in Montgomery, Alabama, he addressed what he considers to be errors in American Evangelicalism. He was also a missionary to Peru.
Paul Washer professed faith in Jesus Christ while enrolled at the University of Texas in Austin, Texas. Following graduation, Paul attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary where he received a Master of Divinity degree.
Washer began his post-seminary ministry in Peru, where he served as a missionary for 10 years. It was in his time there that he founded the HeartCry Missionary Society to assist in Church planting in Peru.

This position is based on his belief that there should be verifiable evidences of salvation, for which he cites Jesus saying, "By their fruits ye shall know them" in Matthew 7:20 (KJV) as support. Washer does not see this as inconsistent with the traditional evangelical belief that a genuine calling upon the name of the Lord is sufficient for salvation.
His particular emphasis on evidence of salvation through genuine repentance from sin, and emotional brokenness over sin, rather than simply calling upon the name of Jesus is generally considered to be consistent with historic Reformation and post-Reformational Protestant Christianity. However, this message is outside what is generally considered the contemporary evangelical mainstream. Washer states that a true believer's life is characterized not by a blameless or sinless life, but by a life of pursuing after God, as well as the work of the Lord in a believer's life of conforming them into the image of Christ.
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