Paul Solomon

Paul Solomon (7 July 1939 - 4 March 1994) He considered himself a mystic following the tradition set by Emanuel Swedenborg, Andrew Jackson Davis and Edgar Cayce. These readings described subjects such as the existence of Atlantis, general health, future changes to the Earth, sexuality, and religion.
Although Solomon was raised as a devout Baptist, his readings mention non-Christian teachings. Similar to Cayce, Solomon discusses Akashic records and reincarnation, as well as the nature of space, time, and matter. Solomon created the Fellowship of the Inner Light in 1972, an interfaith church with a focus on spirituality.
Solomon gave lectures about spirituality. His father, Paul, was a Baptist minister, Solomon claimed that as a child he had psychic experiences, which his parents believed to be derived from the devil. He claimed to see auras, describing them as "good or bad lights" which surrounded a person, as well as being able to "read" books by placing them against his stomach to "absorb" their contents. At school, Solomon's classmates tested him by writing messages in their books to see if he could recall them.
Marriage, divorce, and hypnotism
After finishing high school, Solomon joined the United States Army. After leaving the army, he enrolled in a Baptist seminary, studying to become a minister. He worked as a preacher throughout Texas as well as starting a prison ministry. In 1971, Solomon became depressed after his housemates left their shared home, and he turned to hypnosis to alleviate his depression. He consulted Harry Snipes II, an acquaintance and amateur hypnotist, for treatment. Following a hypnosis session, Snipes suggested that Solomon's responses to his questions during the hypnosis were not his own, but were from another source or something more powerful than Solomon's own mind. "Paul Solomon" was a name received during a reading, which Solomon's "Source" described as meaning "Expositor of Wisdom".
From 1972 to 1993, Solomon gave approximately 2000 readings. He felt, though, that those who received information during his readings were not using the information in the correct manner. He also maintained that his readings were not essential, as everyone has the same ability to contact "The Source". The "Inner Light Consciousness", a set of techniques for attuning the senses to the spiritual, was developed and taught by Solomon. He authored the book The Meta-Human: A Handbook for Personal Transformation. He also produced the audio courses Inner Light Consciousness on meditation practice and The Self-Esteem Survival Kit on self-improvement.
Illness and death
Solomon fell seriously ill with pancreatic problems in 1984. He went into cardiac arrest three times while in the hospital and reported an out of body experience on each occasion. During these experiences, he reported seeing angels and having further contact with "The Source". His health continued to decline until 1990 when he was hospitalized again. Solomon attributes his rapid recovery to his affirmation that he wanted to live, and that he recovered from his malady in one day. He spent the last four years of his life working on humanitarian projects as well as teaching. He was seriously injured in Thailand and died at his home in Virginia Beach on 4 March 1994.
Themes in Solomon's readings
Atlantis is described in the readings as having been a major continent situated between South America and Europe. Several cataclysms, some man-made, are described as having caused the continent to break into islands, and finally to sink altogether in approximately 10,000 BC. Atlantean civilization is described as evolving from the activities of souls manifesting in material forms through the use of what today would be seen as latent abilities, and developed into a technologically advanced civilization similar to that of contemporary man in many respects. The people of Atlantis are said to have harnessed the power of crystals to focus light and other forms of energy, and used this to power flying machines. These machines were propelled through the balancing of the energy and magnetism generated by the Earth and the Sun.
"The Great Crystal" was described as central to the Atlantean way of life, and was hexagonal in shape with appendages which contained magnetic energy. When light passed through the crystal, it created an electro-magnetic power which, through the use of an antenna, could be used as a source of power. Crystals were also used for spiritual purposes, specifically as a tool to link the two hemispheres of the brain. This "integrated mind" was able to directly access the Akashic records. Moreover, crystals also had medicinal value: the sun's focused rays were refracted through crystals to cast different patterns onto the various diseased or affected areas of the body. The rays would rejuvenate failing cells, reversing the effects of aging. Adam is presented as the first incarnation of Jesus, a figure who was sent to Earth to free beings who had become trapped within the world of the senses.
John of Peniel and the Second Coming
Solomon suggests that the second coming of Christ relates not only to Jesus's return but also to the Christ consciousness which he possessed. The Second Coming, then, is portrayed as the birth of another person who, similar to Jesus, exemplifies the Christ consciousness. This person, who is referred to as John of Peniel, will then cause those already living to elevate to an equal level, enabling them to achieve Christ consciousness. Solomon claims that Peniel is the reincarnation of John the Apostle and that his purpose is to end the duality and separation of man. Solomon has also suggested that Peniel will only appear on a global scale when confronted with the figure of the Antichrist. Confronting this Antichrist figure, he will help to reveal further aspects of Earth's history, as well as the history of pre-Earth events.
Solomon contends that Peniel is Jewish and lives in the East. As a child, he purportedly referred to himself as the reincarnation of King David. While Solomon uses the name John of Peniel, which was also used by Cayce, this is not considered his true name. The surname Peniel was chosen because of its meaning, "where I met Him face to face." Presently, however, Peniel does not "realize his own identity". Solomon claims that this will be revealed to him when he helps to open the Hall of Records. John of Peniel's foreseen rise to international prominence is not given an exact date. Instead, it is posited as happening approximately 7 years "after the 2nd battle has begun to rage", an event caused by the actions of Israel, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and the United States.
Hall of Records
The Hall of Records is a legendary library which is currently inaccessible and is thought to be situated under the Great Sphinx of Giza. Supposedly, access to the Hall can only be realized when man discovers a way to allow solids to pass through one another, through inter-dimensional travel and the manipulation of spacetime rather than a literal movement of one solid through another. The Hall is said to contain information accrued by former civilizations on how to harness the natural energy of the Earth, thereby eliminating the need for fossil fuels, as well as housing descriptions of how to use crystals to magnify and implement the sun's rays. The Hall is also home to artifacts from these former civilizations, such as their clothes, instruments, and food.
The Profound Relaxation Experience (P.R.E.) table
The readings suggested the construction of a table that would use sound as a means for relaxation and healing. Music at the rate of 60 beats per minute, such as Baroque music at largo tempo, was suggested for relaxation. Speakers would be placed beneath the mattress of this table, bringing the sound vibrations through the mattress to the body. The vibrations created by the table increase blood circulation and cause the breakup of the crystalline formations which are carried away by the body and eliminated.
The arresting hypothesis underpinning the creation of the device is that factors foreign to the body as germs viruses are only secondary to the condition of the muscular and skeletal system of the body. The readings identified building of calcium and mineral deposits around the joints as a major factor for stress and illness.
The table is not commercially available today, though some tables may still be in use.
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