
Papa-Cause is a fictional character created in 1993 by artist John Solomon Sandridge. Papa-Cause is an African American male, gentleman, and caring grandfather type, yet invincible and imbued with unlimited powers, residing in Gadsden, Alabama. Papa-Cause is the affable and beloved friend of legendary Western culture, Santa Claus. Papa-Cause delights children and adults alike year-round with his authentic style of dance and song while bearing gifts of love, support, and encouragement. The living legend in the making and hero that promotes education, imagination, creativity, and self-help through fun and excitement, which is the message in his books, songs, videos, and animations.
Back Story and Inspiration
Papa-Cause—who is not a black Santa Claus—was conceived after artist John Solomon Sandridge witnessed many failed attempts over the years to create an acceptable universal black Santa Claus that would appeal to an African American and international audience. He believed a solution was to create a separate, unique 21st century character rooted in his own tradition of giving year-round, 24-7-365, who also happened to be a friend of the traditional Santa Claus. Over the years, Papa-Cause has been adapted for books, songs, videos, and animations.
Papa-Cause is not a black Santa Claus, but the friend of Santa Claus. He is a hearty, happy, loving man with a big smile. During the Christmas season, he is always available on Christmas Eve when his friend Santa Claus is in need, making himself available in a lightning blue flash to spread holiday joy and presents. Off-season — winter, spring, summer, fall — he can be found doing humanitarian work and helping those in need in his signature jean overalls or other style versions of his signature blue and white colors. Papa-Cause has been animated by SKG Animation with several songs and music videos.
Papa-Cause made his debut in the fall of 1998 in Gadsden, Alabama, at the Gadsden Convention Hall, where he was recognized and supported by Mayor Steve Means, The Gadsden City Council, and the Gadsden Chamber of Commerce. The Gadsden City Council purchased copies of the book entitled Papa-Cause The Friend of Santa Claus, and over 1,000 books were given to elementary schools in the Gadsden area. Over the years, Papa-Cause has made public appearances throughout Alabama, and has appeared in Georgia, Tennessee, and Iowa spreading his messages of love, hope, and goodwill to all. In 2018, he participated in various Christmas parades in Alabama.
Papa-Cause, Friend of Santa Claus
[ The Hero of Hope]
Diddy Diddy Dop
I Love Papa-Cause
The Creation of Papa-Cause
Papa-Cause Cartoon Adventure Series
Papa-Cause has been recognized throughout Alabama with keys to the cities of Gadsden, Rainbow City, Hokes Bluff, Southside, Fairfield, and Midfield, Alabama. Gadsden State Community College recognized Papa-Cause work through Alabama, and the Gadsden City Board of Education presented Papa-Cause with an award.
In 2017 Mayor Sherman Guyton, of Gadsden, Alabama, signed a Proclamation in honor of Papa-Cause proclaiming the 1st Saturday in February as the citywide Papa-Cause DAY, which is celebrated in downtown Gadsden, Alabama.
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