Page One Management

Page One Management/P1M is a Canadian artist agency.
Page One Management was founded in 2009 by partners Diana Carrelli , Nanci Vennettilli and hair and makeup artist Greg Wencel . Also known as P1M, the agency is based in Toronto, Ontario, and represents fashion artists who specialize in hair, makeup, fashion styling and fashion direction, nail art, and prop styling services for fashion editorial, print advertising, television commercials, runway fashion shows and celebrities’ press appearances. When asked why P1M was established, Vennettilli said:
:"It was sort of accidental. We were talking and realised there was a need for a more personalised level of management in the city, and after a few hours of brainstorming we had the makings of a beautiful partnership!"
P1M represents editorial artists working for publications such as Elle Canada, Flare, FASHION, Glow and Pulp Magazine. The agency also works regularly with Holt Renfrew, CoverGirl, Nexxus, Joe Fresh, Revlon and Rimmel London.
The roster at P1M includes Simone Otis, Tony Masciangelo, Matt Jackson, Susie Sheffman, Zeina Esmail, Beau Nelson, Vanessa Jarman, Juliana Schiavinatto, Corey Ng, Leeanne Colley, Justin German, Anna Nenoiu, Carmelle Da Roza, Cody Alain, Patrick Rahme, Matthew Chow, Diana Carreiro and Greg Wencel.
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