Pacific Wild

Pacific Wild is a Canadian non-profit environmental organization, whose current focus area is on the northern portion of the Pacific coast of Canada, British Columbia, an area known as the Great Bear Rainforest. The organization’s field office is located on Denny Island, B.C., in Heiltsuk First Nation territory. Pacific Wild works to conserve the biodiversity of the Great Bear Rainforest.
Pacific Wild addresses its in a number of ways. Utilizing the principles of conservation biology through field research, web-based educational tools and other broad-based outreach projects, Pacific Wild strives to raise awareness and educate people about the ecologically important Great Bear Rainforest. Pacific Wild works with a diverse group of coalitions, non-government organizations, individuals, communities, First Nations and scientists to develop effective strategies and relationships to achieve common solutions to environmental threats. Education is a cornerstone of Pacific Wild's approach to conservation. They also work with media, educators and others to help draw attention to current environmental threats. Pacific Wild's presentations, videos, photographs, and books have engaged audiences throughout Canada, the US and Europe.
Pacific Wild does not accept any government funding. Pacific Wild is a member non-profit of One Percent for the Planet.
* Defend wildlife and their habitat on Canada’s Pacific coast by developing and implementing solution-based conservation strategies. Pacific Wild supports innovative research, public education, community outreach and awareness to achieve the goal of lasting environmental protection in the lands and waters of the Great Bear Rainforest.
* Work with a diverse array of communities, First Nations, groups and individuals to ensure that biodiversity protection is at the forefront of land and marine use decisions.
* Mobilize a concerned global citizenry to achieve large-scale wildlife protection.
These are conservation priorities for Pacific Wild Alliance and Pacific Wild Initiative. Pacific Wild Alliance is a non-profit society registered in British Columbia. Pacific Wild Initiative is a project of the Tides Canada Initiatives Society.
With a full-time presence in the heart of Canada's Great Bear Rainforest, Pacific Wild's founders Karen and Ian McAllister, have been involved in wilderness and wildlife protection in British Columbia for two decades. In the late 1980s, they worked on the frontline campaigns to protect Vancouver Island’s endangered rainforest. In 1990, the two moved north to begin efforts to protect the central and north coast of B.C.
Their initial years of exploration of the endangered river valleys of the Great Bear Rainforest resulted in the writing of the book The Great Bear Rainforest, which is credited with sparking an international campaign to protect the area now referred to as the Great Bear Rainforest. While working with Raincoast Conservation, an organization they co-founded with Ian's father Peter McAllister, they assisted in bringing international attention to the clearcut logging destruction of B.C.'s temperate rainforest while assisting with the development of a number of conservation proposals for the remaining intact river valleys of the Great Bear.
Other successful campaigns include publicizing British Columbia’s shameful grizzly bear trophy hunting which led to the unprecedented purchase of a commercial trophy hunting license on the B.C. central coast in 2005, and working to keep open net cage salmon farms from expanding into the waters of the Great Bear.
Conservation priorities
* Cease the trophy hunting of BC grizzly bears
* Insure that the Great Bear Rainforest is secure from industrial energy initiatives
* Halt the rapid growth of fish farming in the Great Bear Rainforest, and along the BC coast
* No Tankers/No Pipeline
* Stop the Trophy Hunt
* Great Bear RAVE
* SEAS Community Initiative
* Central Coast Hydrophone Network
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