
Ownyx is a lightweight MVC PHP framework for developing websites and web applications. The framework is implemented using an object-oriented approach. It uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, the rapid application development principle of Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) and emphasizes Convention over Configuration (CoC). The framework is written in PHP 5. Other techniques used by the framework are Javascript, Jquery and HTML. The download of the framework comes with an example project which includes most of the framework's features, and also a base project which can be used as a base for creating new projects.
Ownyx is designed to be a lightweight, and easy to learn PHP framework.
Key features
The current release of Ownyx (beta 1.0) has the following key features:
* Database objects
* Query builder
* Form builder
* Authentication system
* Caching
* Validation
* Logging
* Developer tool-bar
History of Ownyx
Ownyx was originally designed to function as an in-company framework to answer the need for a way of developing PHP websites in an orderly fashion. It was used as a base for multiple CMS systems, combining MVC structure with CMS content by using a specific router. In August of 2010 it was decided to make the project open source under a BSD-style license.
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