Outline of Big Science

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to Big Science.
Big Science - term used by scientists and historians of science to describe a series of changes in science which occurred in industrial nations during and after World War II.
Essence of Big Science
* Basic research
* Big budgets - Research funding by governments. For example, see Federal grant.
* Big projects (with big staffs) - Genome Project, NASA, CERN etc.
* Big machines - Cyclotron, Space shuttle, ISS, Very Large Array, etc.
* Big laboratories - Bell Labs, Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, PARC, SAP Labs, etc.
Areas of Big Science
* Military science and military technology
** Manhattan Project
* Physics
** Shiva laser → Nova laser → National Ignition Facility
** Extreme Light Infrastructure
* Space exploration
* Life sciences
**Human Genome Project
**Human Brain Project
* Particle Physics (ex: Large Hadron Collider)
* Astronomy (ex: Hubble Space Telescope, other Great Observatories)
** Gravitational-wave astronomy
History of Big Science
* Technology during World War II
* Cold War
* Nuclear arms race
* Space race
* Military funding of science
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