Ophidian Alliance

The Ophidian Alliance is a faction in miniature games produced by the French miniature company Rackham. These games include Confrontation, Rag'Narok, Cadwallon and Hybrid.
The Ophidian Alliance and Ophidians as a Race
In ancient times there were two great civilisations on Aarklash, the Utopia of the Sphinx and the Ophidian Alliance. These went to war and nearly completely destroyed each other over time. In order to survive the reptilian Ophidians hid beneath the surface of Aarklash to grow strong and numerous again, never forgetting how open war nearly caused their extinction.
The Ophidians are a snake like race with huge (approx 10 meters in length) serpentine bodies but unlike snakes they also have two long hands with five fingers each. They are ruled by a council of elders called the Patriarchs.
Ophidian Nature and the Vice
The Ophidians true nature is warlike and violent, yet the majority of the race believes they need to subdue their savage instincts. Instead of open war this race of Darkness fights their enemies through their allies the Living dead of Acheron and the Alchemists of Dirz. The Ophidian Alliance locates mostly in hidden underground cities and tunnels, avoiding open conflict. This suppression of their natural violent character sometimes leads the individual Ophidians to suffer a condition called the Vice. If an Ophidian gives into Vice he becomes somewhat stronger both mentally and physically and starts to seek open battle on the surface of Aarklash. Giving into the Vice is strictly forbidden by the Ophidian's laws. Those who are tainted by the Vice can expect no mercy from the Ophidian Alliance if they are caught. It is possible to conceal the Vice by use of Typhonism (the Ophidian magic) at least for some time.
Quick to anger the Ophidians easily response with violence when they are insulted or challenged. The Ophidians are cruel creatures and deadly in battle. A full grown Ophidian can rip a man to pieces with his bare hands. They also have sharp talons on their fingers and venomous teeth which can be used to paralyse and kill an opponent. Most of the weapons used by Ophidians are poisoned, from swords and daggers to the bullets used by the Sydions.
Classes of Ophidians
* Vortirans
* Warriors
* Sydions
* Asps
* Syhees
* Slaves
* Mothers
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