OnePL is a programming language using two variables, The integer, and the character.
OnePL is early in development and is still very primitive.
This is a Hello World example.
Further Development has since been done to improve the language, and this will also work:
"Hello World"
> Adds one to the integer,
< Subtracts one from the integer,
= Sets the integer,
, Outputs the integer,
c Sets the character, and
. Outputs the character.
All though nothing has yet been released, there is an interpreter similar to the BASIC interpreters in development.
Suspected hoax
One of the only pages about OnePL is this one here, a website is available (link at bottom)
OnePL is commonly suspected as a hoax, but an interpreter is going to be released on February 1st 2009 (from the OnePL website).
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