On Wah Chang is a Fiji Chinese Company which was formed in the 1920s as a partnership by the Fongs, Kwongs and various Fiji Families. In the 1920s Times were hard in China, the founder, after working all his life in Fiji, wanted to help his dear younger brothers and fellow villagemen thus founded the coperative trading partnership to bring them from China and provide them with jobs and earn a better living in Fiji. After founding the partnership, he handed the company over to his younger brother and retired in China. As times went by, the partnership branches expanded all over Fiji becoming one of the largest Fiji Trading Companies in the 1950s taking advantage of the World War 2 trade with business involving Copra, Grocery, Cordial dinks. As the economy progressed On Wah Chang did not change quick enough resulting in its demise, closing all branches with only head office and few Assets in Suva Fiji left. The founders son who was then the Chairman in Charge struggled to turn the head Office into a Commercial Building with various floors. Due to lack of demand for Commercial property in Suva most of the building is still untenanted, though there is potential for the building to be converted to mixed Commercial/residential dwelling. Fiji is currently going through a boom period and business confidence is building thus business will continue as usual. <Ref> Chinese in Fiji. Xinhua News Agency. 2011-02-23. Retrieved 2017-01-01.