
Oly-Ball is a ball sport invented in 1975 by Rod Ingram. Players are required to use Ingram approved bouncing balls with an approximate two-inch diameter. These are called oly-ballsThe objective of the sport is to bounce the ball according to previosly designed course. The person who accomplishes the course or task first will win that round and the entire group of people halt their game and move on to the next round for someone to invent the next course. Unlike golf, there is no stroe limit that determines that you have to accomplish the task in a certain number of turns.
Courses are creted by one player at a time, for each round. They use the props that are available to the players to set up a task.

Rules and Regulations Players must have feet together when launching the ball. Players must use Ingram approved Oly-balls. Players cannot leap when lanching the ball. Nobody-not even the player who invented it- has the authority to change the couse once the first ball is in play, unless all players agree to end the course for being too complex or for other reasons.
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