Obliterator (comics)

The Obliterator (Maht Pacle) is a fictional character, an alien supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is one of the Elders of the Universe, a foe of the Silver Surfer.
Fictional character biography
The being who would become the Obliterator was born on his homeworld 5.5 billion years ago. Even as a child he realized that he was different from the others of his race in that they pursued a variety of interests sporadically while he lived only to hunt and to destroy. As an adult he realized that his vitality did not decrease with age and was told that he was a mutant whose bodily systems were totally focused on his body's preservation. Learning this, he tracked down and killed the other twenty billion members of his race, and then left his world to satisfy his obsession on other planets. While wandering the galaxies searching for other things to kill he met the Gardener and learned that there were other beings like himself. Over the next billion years he met all the other Elders.
Some time later, a number of Elders came up with the plan to kill Galactus to start a new Big Bang, and the Obliterator was given the task of hunting down and killing the interfering Silver Surfer and Mantis. He was defeated when the Surfer transmuted his weapons into harmless flashlight-like devices, and was left on a lifeless world to prevent him from killing anything else.
Later, he encountered and battled the Avengers Thunderstrike and Quasar. At the request of the Caregiver, he was removed by Quasar to prevent him from harming an infant cosmic organism. Quasar dumped him in between galaxies.
After the Multiverse was restored following the "Secret Wars" storyline, Obliterator took part in a Contest of Champions between the other Elders of the Universe in order to determine who would keep the Power Primordial that is now abundant throughout the universe. He was eliminated from the contest when his unknown champions lost.
Powers and abilities
Like all Elders, the Obliterator is completely immortal. He is immune to aging, disease, conventional injury and poison. He can survive in space without food, water or air.
It has been hinted that the Obliterator can channel his Power Primordial through his weapons enabling them to match the power of the Silver Surfer. The Obliterator is armed with a self made ballistics harness made from cosmic materials. Two wrist mounted gauntlets holding fully automatic machine guns are wire fed through his harness for ammunition. The caliber or type of ammunition used for these weapons are unknown.
Due to his obsession with hunting other lifeforms, the Obliterator has failed to develop himself to the extent of the other Elders. He cannot travel in space unaided and has no destructive powers excluding his weapons. He also is not very intelligent. He is able to withstand blunt force trauma and direct energy blast from characters such as The Silver Surfer. His self made weapons are among the last remnants of his extinct race's technology. However over eons of time he has adapted and upgraded his tech, utilizing different components from different civilizations which in turn increases the destructive powers of his weapons.
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