Oberndorf Aircaft Barrier

Oberndorf Aircaft Barrier were two 1000 meter long and 16.5 millimeter thick steel cables spun across Neckar valley in 1942 in order to protect the military important Mauser works from air-raids. At these ropes were in a distance of 20 metres ropes with a diametre of 8 millimeters fixed, which carried weights at their lower end.
Although the existence of this facility was not secret, two German and one American aircraft crashed on it, not because they were involved in combat operations, but because the pilots just tried to pass the barrier by flying between the vertical ropes.
The Oberndorf aircraft barriers were dismantled after the end of the Second World War in 1945, but the basements of the spans still exist today.
* http://spuren-der-geschichte.de/bilder/aistaig-boll/Seilsperre_freigestellt.jpg
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