Oathbound: Domains of the Forge

Oathbound is a campaign setting published by Bastion Press. The world of Forge was created to imprison a god, the Nameless One, by other immortal beings out of jealousy. The Nameless One's seven most powerful and loyal servants, known as the Feathered Flock, were likewise imprisoned and bound by powerful oaths to serve as wardens. Each member of the Seven controls a different area of the planet, and over the ages they have exploited loopholes in their oaths to further their own ends. Most of the Seven desire death or some kind of escape, and believe they can be freed if defeated by a more powerful opponent. As a result, most of the Seven actively promote strife and conflict, and reward the survivors, in an effort to create champions powerful enough to defeat them.
The World
Forge has two suns and two moons. There are seven parts of the world (one for each of the Seven): the pastoral realm of Penance and the city of the same name; the Arena, which is a desert full of gold, so peoples gladly slaughter each other to control it; the Kiln, a giant volcano; Eclipse, a sunless place inside a giant crater; the Vault, a once fertile land, now an artic wasteland filled with undead legions and crazed wizards; the Anvil, a mountainous region inhabited by colossal creatures; and Wildwood, a giant forest.
The Seven are able to pull creatures from other worlds into Forge; as a result Forge has a diverse population of races and monsters.
Because of the Nameless One's ambient divine energy, characters pulled into Forge (called seeds) receive magical boons, called Gifts. Every seed gains a Gift upon entering Forge, and the Feathered Flock award Gifts to exceptional characters.
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