Oak Rigde Elementary is a public elementary school in Eagan, Minnesota. This is one of the 18 elementary schools in Independent School District 196. This school has grades Kindergarten-5th Grade. Demographics Students by Grades In Oakrigde Elementary, there are 610 students. The Teacher : Student ratio for this school is 1:18. The average students per grade is about 101 students. * Kindergarten - 100 * 1st Grade - 98 * 2nd Grade - 104 * 3rd Grade - 109 * 4th Grade - 108 * 5th Grade - 91 Students by Ethnicity * American Indian - n/a * Asian - 9% * Hispanic - 7% * Black - 19% * White - 64% * Unknown - 1% Fedder Schools The students at Oak Ridge Elementary will go to one of the following middle schools: * Black Hawk Middle School * Dakota Hills Middle School * Falcon Ridge Middle School