Nurit Zederboim

Nurit Zederboim (born 1949 in Ramat Gan) is an Israeli visual artist, poet, writer, researcher, curator and lecturer.
Cederboum was born in Israel in 1949, her childhood and youth moved to the Neve Sha'anan neighborhood of Haifa. In the army she served in the “Nahal” unit, in Camp Eighty and in Kibbutz Barot Yitzhak, she was married with a member of the kibbutz and becaome also a member of the kibbutz for several years. From this marriage she had two children, Barak and Hali. Her husband, Zvi Yosef Jacobs (Bundy), was killed in the Yom Kippur War. She was remarried to Azriel Cederboum as a result of these marrige, more two children, Moshi and Noam, were born. From 1976 to 2018, she lived in the Krayot area, and operated in Haifa and the Western Galilee.
In 2018, she relocated to Netanya and established an art studio in Tel Aviv in the 'Refrigerator' (Hamekarer).
While raising a family, she acquired an education in the fields of art, literature, education, administration, Mueseology- curating, group guidance and NLP training. Interdisciplinary Doctoral dissertation (Art ,Psychology and Philosophy) at the Anglia Ruskin University
Since them she works as a Visual Artist, lecturer, curator , researcher, art consultant and poet. Developed curricula, curated dealings, established and managed the Interdisciplinary Center for Art Studies at the Western Galilee College, managed social projects, participated in various committees, led art projects in Israel and abroad, presented about fifty individual and group exhibitions, and published poetry and theaortical books and also articles in collected books and journals. She also established art centers in educational institutions.
Cederboum is a Member of Creative Associations (The Association of Plastic Artists, The Hebrew Writers Association, The Israeli Periodical Press Association). As part of her current roles, she serves as a journalist in the Art magazine "Kan” - Israeli Reality in Art". Exhibition curator of the journal "Biglal" (Baglalaria), a member of the board of directors of the Theater in the city of Shlomi “on the Border theater”, she is also a member of the Admissions Committee of the Hebrew Writers Association and member of the Academic Council of the ASA Academic College.
Career landmarks
Upon graduation in the 1980s, Zederboim was accepted to the Haifa Painters and Sculptors Association, was a part of the Exhibitions Committee, participated in group exhibitions, and presented solo exhibitions. She created murals, stage backdrops, participated in environmental and social art projects, and was among the founders of the
“24 Workshop" association in the workshop which operated in Haifa alongside Gershon Knyspel, who was the chairman. She has written several art curricula that she has taught in teacher training seminars and pedagogical centers. During those years, she taught in educational institutions, pedagogical centers, Tel Hai College, Shaanan College, Shlomi School for the Gifted pupils, Gordon Seminar and more, and also worked as an artist in the private studio.
In the 1990s, she completed her studies in museum studies at the University of Haifa and did a master's degree in both behavioral and art sciences. She established the Interdisciplinary Center for Art Studies at the Western Galilee College and was the first chairman. During those years, she has participated in artistic, environmental and community projects, established the Visual Arts Center at SHAM Studio in Kiryat Ata, was a representative of the College in a Partnership 2000 program, and served as Chairman of the Art Committee in the Partnership 2000 Community. As part of this activity she led joint projects in Israel and abroad, and was the artistic director and active artist in the international multi-disciplinary art project 'Isaac', and presented her installation 'Ohel Sara' ('Sera's Tent').
During these years, she developed the field of art in the community of the Western Galilee College and worked with students in social and cultural environmental and artistic projects (Renaissance Festival at Yehiam Fortress, stone in the Galilee), which she alternately served as a member of steering committees, as student leader or as a creative artist and exhibitor.

From the 2000s onwards she had completed her doctoral dissertation, during which she retired from her role at the Western Galilee College, served as an academic advisor at the experimental school and there also as head of the art field - at a high school meeting in Kiryat Ata, she developed the field "Beit Midrash Yofar".
Currently, she is a senior lecturer at the College of Arts and Arts, lecturer in a holistic training course for art and movement therapists at Wingate College. She writes to the
“Kan” magazine - Israeli Reality in Art, and curator of the
“Biglal” journal.
1987 - 'My environment and Me', Chagall - Haifa Artist's House
1990 -‘From a wall to a song', stage 2 Wadi Salib - Haifa Theater
1990 - 'Yes-No-Black-White' - Chagall Artists' House
1991 - From A Song to A Wall, Artists' House - Jerusalem
1992 - 'At an Object Made Coercion', The Creator / Workshop 24 / Haifa
1994 - "Strait - Painted Installation", Elizabeth Sudberg Gallery - Western Galilee College
1996 - 'The Stone of the Masons', installation, Barer Art Gallery, Maalot (in the framework of the symposium - 'Stone in the Galilee')
1998 - 'Stone on Canvas' - environmental installation, Monfort Lake - Maalot (within the Stone Galilee symposium)
2012 - 'On the Fence' (environmental and I - in a different environment), at the Shlomi Community Center in the courtyard - as part of the Ma'lomi Shlomi Border Festival, together with 'Shlomi Theater on the Border'
2013 - 'Portrait or Baked' University Tel Aviv - Faculty of Education
2014 - 'And Forced to Support a spindle ', Studio / Gallery - Northart
2016 - 'Wide Crowded' Location Dependent - Studio / Gallery - Northart
2017 - 'Stitch Reporter - Mid-Road Retrospective', Acoustic Museum of Contemporary Art, Acre
2017 - 2018 - 'A noise of quietly ticking sand', Art Gallery has been dropped in Haifa
2018 - Launch of the studio in Tel Aviv and a minor exhibition - "Heresy Wires".
Special projects
1989 - Square mural (group) - Old Haifa with a new one. As part of 'Outdoor Creators - Haifa Theater Square, in collaboration with the Artists Association and the Haifa Municipality
1990 - Wall painting (personal) - “Culture on the wall” (80 square meters) in the Nahariya Culture Hall
1994 - In the exhibition "Standing in Conflict" (as part of Art Focus events) - "Beginning of Lockdown" (Exhibition and Installation) Exhibition presented at the Jerusalem Artists House after four years. The shredded material goes into bottles. The installation consists of bottles containing the shredded material, an object book and a long one. The grinding process was documented and from which an art video was produced.
Every few years the installation undergoes transformation and is presented again with another variation and another - so until its final wear and tear.
1995 - The sea paints me (performance - a personal project within a group project) . On the Dado Beach of Haifa. Lecturers and students from the Western Galilee College in collaboration with the Haifa Municipality's Culture Division
1996-2001 - Continuous activity at the "Holiday of the Holidays" events in Wadi Nisnas and Beit Hagefen Gallery. Personal works within a group setting: The Blue Difference, a wooden horse or the roots of the artistic form, to open a home, a school, the Queen of Hearts visit the home of Ami and Tammy, a consumable bride (installations, objects, murals, and murals)
2006 - Isaac's Multidisciplinary and International Creative Conference (solo work within a group exhibition). Sarah's Tent - For the time being, I had Edna (installation).
2012 - "The fire crackles images in silence" - Personal work in collaboration with the Shlomi Theater on the Border Ensemble as part of the "What is Shlomi on the Border" festival. Selected works from the first solo exhibition "Environmental and I" (1987) - changed environment and another for a ritualistic ritual transformation of fire. Poems about the works were written by poet Ilana Haley.
2013 - From the Depths - De Propundis - Art and Music Project in collaboration between the Israeli Broadcast association and TV and the first channel The musical event took place at Haifa's radio studio, live, and at several shows at Elon's Request, at Kibbutz Ein Harod at the Ein Harod Art Center in the Henry Crowne Theater Hall in Jerusalem , At the University of Haifa, in collaboration with students from the Art Department, and with students at Thilatan - the College of Design and Visual Communication. Zederboim took part in all the shows and dealt with the show in drawing - drawing - photography and then producing exhibitions and video art. Voice. Permanent Participants: Moshe Charlemagne, Arie Yass, Nurit Zederboim.
2013 - Ooh, this is happening (performance) , (4 participants - Aryeh Yas, Moshe Perlman, Gilad Maman, Nurit Zederboim). The vineyard in Haifa. As part of the Shaar - International Poetry Festival, Beit Hagefin along with the 'Holiday of the Holidays' events.
2015 - Oh Wah, It Happens (Exhibition), (5 participants - Aryeh Yas, Moshe Perlman, Dan Kinner, Mickey Miro, Nurit Tzederbaum) The Chagall Artists' House in Haifa - as pEart of the home renovation event
2015 - Oh wow, this is happening (performance). (5 participants - Arie Yas, Moshe Perlman, Dan Kinner, Mickey Miro, Nurit Zadrbaum) A stalwart museum of contemporary art in Acre. As part of the Acre Festival for another theater
2015 - 70 years to that victory. Left Right (Exhibition) - The Reincarnation of a Creation (Video-art) at the Jewish Festival in Krakow, and at the Jewish Heritage Galicia Museum in Krakow Participants - Arie Yas, Moshe Perlman, Ayala Levy Klossky, Aviva Shemer, Nurit Zederboim)
2017 - Multidisciplinary 'Dense Wide Creators' Meeting - Creators' Meeting Inspired by the' Dense Wide ' (Depending on Place). The meeting was held for a year once a month, each time a different group was invited. The creative sessions were on subjects - stitch line, language - memory - identity, women's craft, women's work on the umbilical cord, the axis of contrast.
Silent Sound of Sand, Room Publishing, Tel Aviv (2014)
Portrait of Lake Poetry, Nurit Art Publishing, Niv Books, Herzliya (2014)
Kan Painting, Nurit Art Publishing, Niv Books, Herzliya (2016)
Everyone was My Face, Nurit Art Publishing, Herzliya (2017)
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