Nosratollah khakian

Nosratollah Khakian (born 4 Shahrivar 1346 AP (August 26, 1967 AD) ), in the city of Noorabad in Lorestan Province, Iran, is an Iranian poet and academic.
Diploma in Culture and Literature in 1365 AP and the same year entered the Teacher Training Center of the arak martyr Bahonar and in 1367 the center received the diploma degree in Persian Literature. Nosratollah got his degree in three years. An offer by senior national companies to study at the University of Payam Noor in Kerman was accepted in the graduate school of Persian Language and Literature. September 1390 AP, his thesis entitled "Investigation and analysis on simulated Qsayd M. Saad Salman, "with a score of 19 (nineteen) and a high degree of defense. Nosratollah khakian master's advisor, Mr. Doctor Mahmoud fahzilat, Virtuous Distinguished Professor of Tehran University and in the course of his advisor, Dr. Ali Mohammad Postdar, Honorable Assistant Professor at Payam Noor University, Tehran center. His undergraduate project was entitled "Biography of Sheikh Abu Abvalkhyr". Doctor Complete Guide Mr Ahmadinejad, retired professor and martyr at Beheshti University of Tehran graded his writing and the score of 17 (seventeen) was given.
Scientific activities
Since the year 1988, ie, 24 years, in middle schools and high schools Noorabad city of Lorestan Teaching Persian Language and Literature on a continuous basis. The well-known poet and editor, is currently writing articles and poetry.
Poetic style
Mr. khakian, in poetry, pro-Iraqi style - especially light-Saadi and Rumi - but in addressing the meaning and manner of speech has his own style. His trial has been published in both traditional song and Bibliography. Mr. khakian grasp of the more social aspects of poetry and literature is lax and indifferent.
* Office 2010 - Delfan
* Office 2011 - Zagros
* Office 2012 - Green
* 2010 based on the analysis described Qsayd Masud Saad Salman
* 2011 at the Sheikh Abu Abvalkhyr
* 2012 Abu Abvalkhyr impact on Persian literature
* 2012 Leili and Majnun footprint mystical thought in the Military
* Nosratollah earth
* offices Nosratollah earth poetry
* Weekly Ashtara, No. 8, March 2001, p 2.
* Ashtara Weekly, No. 21, April 2002, p 2.
* See letter of two weeks, the Ministry of Education, in ninth, No. 168, 2001, p. 10.
* See letter of two weeks, the Ministry of Education, in ninth, No. 170, 2002, p. 12.
* Weekly desert paradise, year XI, No. 440, p. 5.
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